Learn Microsoft Excel Quickly

Online Course from Beginner to Advanced In 12 hours

This course will give you the skills you need to become really great at Excel.
You’ll learn how to create and manage spreadsheets, use formulas and functions, charts and much much more….

Plus, you’ll receive a certificate of completion that you can show off

Latest Excel 2023 - 77 unique lessons online access 24/7

Complete Beginner to Advanced in 12 hours

Get Gertificate of completion to Show off on your Resume

Excel Version

About The Course

Excel Version used : Latest 2023 Excel Office 365
Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced
Language: English
Lessons: 77
Videos: 12 hours and 3 minutes
Approved Certificate
Versions: works in Excel 2016, 2013, 2010, and 2007


Who Is This Course For?

If you are looking to start your own business or are an entrepreneur who runs and existing business

I need Excel to manage and record my sales, expenses and see my profit forecasts quickly

If you are a someone who is looking for a JOB

If I can show I have a certificate in Excel it will help me stand out in job applicaitions

Im in a role where I manage Data and Reports

If I get improve my Excel skills I can get my work done a lot quicker,  reduce my stress levels at work and improve my day to day work life

Im a homemaker and responsible for my residence

I need Excel to better organise my life, my household finances and keep a record of expenses

We cover

What You Will Learn

Create professional looking pie charts, bar charts, column charts and much more

Create a table and a range and sort your data.

Create pivot charts and tables to do lightning-fast analysis of your data

Learn all about Excel Macros so you can automate and speed up work

Learn to use the most popular functions in Excel, including IF functions and VLOOKUP.


Accredited Certificate

After you complete the course, you will be able to request an accredited Certificate from us. You can show prospective employers to prove your skills and really stand out. Or you simply want to show your friends and family. Our online Course gives you 12 CPE Points towards your annual continued professional development.


You are now an Excel Graduate


What Our Students Have To Say

Here are some of the companies our students work at

Frequently Asked Questions

Our course uses the latest versions of Excel from the Office 365 Suite, Excel is a truly incredible program with countless features. We’ve hand picked the most important topics and produced a course that you can use and access in short bitesize formats
After you sign up, we’ll give you an email with access to our training dashboard, where you’ll be able to view all of our courses. All courses include video lessons that you may watch on your preferred device, as well as a exercise files related to the lectures to help you study even more effectively.

Our course is designed to take you from beginner to Excel in 12 hours, it is entirely up to you and your schedule. Some students are happy to study a short lesson a day before they go to bed or some prefer to just get through it as quickly as possible. Whatever you decide the course is available 24/7 on demand ready to give you the skills you need to become great at Excel.

Excel is an amazing program, it is the most widely used application in the workplace and is used for almost every business function you can think off, of course it can’t make you a coffee but it can certainly keep a track of how much you have left in the stock room. From Sales , Marketing, Finance, Admin, secretarial, planning and storage Excel can cover it all. There is a reason why 1.2 Billion people use it today, it’s more than important its essential and critical.